The Maine Tool Library (MTL) is a lending library, circulating a collection of tools, including gardening, landscaping, home improvement, and kitchen tools in Portland Maine. This entity is a subscriber-based community resource; it is a library for tools instead of books. Tools are loaned on a weekly schedule, allowing patrons to check them out during the library’s open hours with the expectation that they will then return them a week later. Acquisitions are strategically selected by volunteer subscribers with continual opportunities for subscriber input. MTL is a volunteer-run entity which aims to be an inclusive network among laborers, designers, makers, crafters, artists and D.Y.I.ers in the vibrant Portland community.
Although we launched in Portland, it is our hope that this will be the first of many tool lending libraries throughout the State and we’re happy to share all of our lessons learned with anyone who wants to start one in their community. We’re in this together!
Our story is fairly simple…
In 2012 and 2013 a few Resilience Hub/ Permaculture Meetup members began to talk about a tool library.
That talk developed into more meetings and collaboration by folks who showed up.
Soon a basic plan was developed, talent was recruited, and fundraising campaign was started.
In the late fall of 2014 we completed a crowd-sourced fundraising campaign and tool drive to pay for some initial start-up and operating costs.
In the Spring of 2015 we officially opened our doors.
Today we lend tools and are run by our subscribers. If you would like to see us evolve in any particular way please don’t hesitate to get involved! It is your support that made this library a reality. THANK YOU ALL!